【雅思】2019暑假专题 | 雅思真题中考官范文的使用

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选自剑桥雅思真题集 C8 - T1

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members ofsociety.Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discussboth these views and give your own opinion.


Achild’s education has never been about learning information and basic skills only.(1) It has always included teaching the next generation howto be good members of society.(2)Therefore, this cannot be the responsibilityof the  parents alone. (3)


同时第二句中的 the next generation 也符合less common vocabulary,增加了词语表达的丰富性。


Inorder to be a good member of any society the individual must respect and obeythe rules of their community and share their values.(1) Educating children to understand the need to obey rules and respect others always begins inthe home and is widely thought to be the responsibility of parents.(2) Theywill  certainly be the first to help children learn what is important inlife, how  they are expected to behave and what role they will play intheir world. (3)

首先来看句1和句2,运用了特殊开头词的写作形式:“inorder to ”(介词短语放句首)及“Educating”(动名词放句首)。大部分童鞋写句子时,名词代词放句首的偏多, 特殊开头词引出句子的方法,可以尝试 ~

再来看句子中的 respect and obey 这组, 及what...how... andwhat 这组,两组都属于平行结构,一组是短语平行, 一组是从句平行。 三个从句写出来, 不仅句子长度拉长,同时还展示了书写从句能力!

最后来看句子2的谓语, 共有两个, 分别为begin 及 be widely thought ,一主动一被动,这又何尝不是增加句子灵活度的方式?


However,learning to understand and share the value system of a whole  societycannot be achieved just in the home.(1) Once a child goes to school,  theyare entering a wider community where teachers and peers will have just as muchinfluence as their parents do at home. (2)At school, children will experienceworking and living with people from a whole variety of backgrounds from thewider society. (3)This experience should teach them how to cooperate with eachother and how to contribute to the life of their community. (4)

句1, 一方面双重否定表肯定了 not 及just用法,同时还起到了承上启下的作用,起到对学校教育的论述。

句2, once及where引导两个从句做嵌套,句子虽长,但论述逻辑清晰。段落的句尾再次出现平行结构, 也是为了和上段做呼应。

Butto be a valuable member of any community is not like learning a simple skill.It is something that an individual goes on learning throughout life and it isthe responsibility of every member of a society to take responsibility for helpingthe younger generation to become active and able members of that society.

最后的结尾段, 往往要给出观点及看法,这里我们看到考官在给观点时用到了这样一个短语“active and able”。大部分人看到后没有任何感觉, 但他实际用的是押头韵的用法。

和其相似的还有,Beauty and the Beast, League of Legend 以及Pride and Prejudice等等。只要留心,这种在电影及杂志上的材料,不妨细心积累,放入你的作文库中。




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