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Nowadays people find it hard to save money, can you talk about why it is harder for people to save money and what measures can be taken to overcome and solve it to some extent.





Some countries have already permitted students to have the homeschooling, which means students take courses at home through Internet and don't go to school to attend classes. Do you think it is a reasonable choice? Please give your explanation.


1 13


Task 1


Professors would like to alter individual work to group work. What are the advantages and


or disadvantages. Task 2


Which do you prefer? Persuading your friends and family to change their ideas, or respecting their ideas.


1 27


Task 1


What do you think can improve your local community and make it a better place to live?


Task 2


Some people like to make decision based on their own experience while other people prefer to ask others for help such as family and friends. Which do you prefer and why?




1 28


Task 1


Talk about an event that had a negative,之后觉得 positive 的一件在学校的事儿


Task 2


教授不让学生 record class lecture 同意这个 policy 吗?


2 4


Task 1


谁对你的影响最大?1. 家人,2. 老师,3. 朋友


Task 2




3 3


Task 1


学校要开新的板块,1. film recommendation 2. tips and advise about student travel 3.


restaurant review 三选一


Task 2


学校应不应该教学生 moral value



3 10


Task 1


Your foreign friend is considering coming to you country to visit, but he/she doesn’t know how to plan the trip. What suggestions do you give him/her?


Task 2


A big corporation is planning to invest in a factory in your hometown. This factory will create many job opportunities for people, but also bring a lot of pollution at the same time. Do you agree or disagree?


3 11


Task 1


what do you think about smartphones to studentsHere are three benefits of smartphones to studentswhich do you think is good to students


Taking photos


listen to music


recording courses


Task 2


Some parents think they should protect students from making mistakes. Some think they should let them make mistakes. What do you think


3 24


Task 1


Things keep changing. Describe one thing you think you would never do ten years ago.


Task 2



2.    What do you think of the idea Children should listen or read news at an early age?



3 31




Task 1


One advantage or disadvantage of universities located in small town or rural areas







Children should approach computer and other electronic devices as early as possible


4 15 日:


Task 1:


Talk about the advantages or/and disadvantages of having tests at home.


Task 2:


When having a discussion, are you going to give your viewpoint directly or listening to others then give your viewpoint.


4 21 日:


Task 1:


Your friend went straight to work after high school and skipped university. But now ten years later, he decides to go to university. Please talk about at least one challenge he will face when he goes to university at an elder age.


Task 2:


Do you agree or disagree with the statement?


It’s never acceptable to interrupt other people when they are talking.


5 6


Task 1


You are required to be a volunteer in a school beatification day, which of the following would you like to choose.


1 planting in campus flowers garden


2 picking up garbage and collect the recyclable material


3 paint natural and outside arts


Give specific reasons to support your answer.




Do you agree or disagree that important business meetings should be held in person rather than use technology such as video conference call. Give specific reasons to support your answer.


5 12




Which of the following characteristics do you think would be the most important for a person who is going to start a new small business? A. being outgoing and friendly


B. being creative and imaginative


C. being well organized


Task 2


Do you agree or disagree that it is not good for children to know too soon about life’s difficulties. Give specific reasons to support your answer.



5 19


Task 1:


Talk about at least 1 advantage/ disadvantage about not being active on social website and social media.


Task 2


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


It is acceptable that someone use other’s influence to get a job.


5 26


Task 1


Your friend wants to attend a summer school to graduate one year earlier from the university. Talk about an advantage and /or a disadvantage of doing this. Task 2


Your university is planning to allow people in the community to take courses with students. This course will be free for them and they will not receive feedback or grades about their papers. Do you think this is a good program and why?



6 2


Task 1:


Instead of printing books in paper version, the university decides to release only online version of textbooks, Discuss at least an advantage and disadvantage of this change. Task 2:


Some professors prefer to answer students’ questions at the end of the lectures, and others stop at different points to answer students’ questions, which style do you think is better for learning?


6 23


Task 1:


If your friend has a chance to study abroad for 1 year, but when he/she comes back,


he/she will have to study for an extra year in school to get the degree, what would you


recommend him/her to do?


Task 2:


With new technologies, we now have electric books and internet, someone thinks that someday the library will totally disappear, what is your opinion.


6 30


Task 1:


The school decides to cancel the long summer vacation, so students have to attend school all year with some short breaks during holidays, agree or disagree. Explain why. Task 2:


The best decision is made by group or individuals? Please give your explanations and examples.


7 1


Task 1:


If a children museum is going to have an exhibition, which of the following theme will be the most attractive to the children? 1. Robot technology. 2. Deep sea marine animals. 3. Solar system.


7 7


Task 1:


If the government has a large sum of money, which area would suggest the government to invest to? 1. Space exploration 2. Education 3. Health care. Task 2:


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement : Parents should discourage children to join some competitive activities, like sports or entertainment.


7 8


Task 1:


What are some common mistakes when parents educate their children?


Task 2:


Some professors prefer to give feedback by writing some comments on students’ assignment, while others would like to have a talk after class in person, which one do you prefer and why?


7 14


Task 1:


When children perform well in the exams, parents will give some money as reward, What


are the advantages and/or disadvantages.


Task 2:


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, Even though one is old, it is still possible for him/her to get a degree.


8 25


Task 1:


A lot of people have got some unfamiliar, special or challenging experience, talk about what you have experience that is challenging and special. Task 2:


Someone believe that library should always be a quiet place, while others suggest that library can be a place for some social activities or a place for conference. What do you






8 26



Task 1:


Talk       about     the  advantages   and/or    disadvantages     of    giving    new       students some


pre-sessional courses.


Task 2:


If you are about to find a job, are you going to choose a regular one or a job at home with more freedom.


9 2


Task 1


The university just got some fund, among the three options below, which one do you think should the university put the money into?


1.Make more accurate predictions about weather


2.Clean rivers and oceans


3.Explore outer space


Task 2:


Which one do you prefer, making friends at the same age or making friends with people at different ages.


9 8


Task 1:


One of your friends would like to learn how to cook, what suggestions are you going to


give him/her?


Task 2:


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, It is necessary to keep in touch with family members or friends when going on trip.


9 9


Task 1:


If you are the employer, among the three assessments below, which one will concern the most?


1.Performance in the interview


2.Education background


3.Working experience


9 15


Task 1:


Your friend is not a good student, gets up late, never makes effort in class, final exam is coming, he asks you for help, but you still have many subject to be prepared, what will you do?


Task 2:


One of your friends have already been permitted to have both the hiking club and the debate club, but due to some circumstances, he has to give up one, what’s your suggestion?




9 16


Task 1:


Your professor just canceled the class. One of your friends invited you to watch a movie, but you have to prepare for a upcoming test, what are you going to do and why?


Task 2:


Many parents prefer to take care of their children at home, so they prefer to have the homeschooling, what do you think and why?


10 13


Task 1:


University plans to add a new area on campus newspaper, among the three choices below, which one do you think will attract students the most?


1.local restaurant review


2.tips on travelling


3.film recommendation


Task 2:


How do you deal with the difficult situations in your daily life, are you going to be serious or easy?


10 14


Task 1:


Describe the advantage and disadvantage of business started within the same family.


Task 2:


Some people think children should take part in sports team to be more socially developed, others are not fond of it, which one do you prefer?




10 20


Task 1:


If your friend just gained a big achievement, such as win the first prize of a running competition, how will you celebrate for him?


Task 2:


Since most of the students have already got their laptops, the university plans to close the computer lab, do you agree or disagree with it?


10 28



Task 1:


If your friend just successfully got a job he wanted, how will you celebrate for him?


Task 2:


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should learn how to use the calculator?


11 4


Task 1:


Your friend just received a sum of money, he then has three ways to use his money, what do you think?


1.Screen movie


2.Outdoor music concert


3.Video games.


Task 2:


Do you agree or disagree with the statement, It’s easier to be an adult than a child.


11 10


Task 1:


If one of your friends complains that he couldn’t fall asleep before an important event, what advice would you like to offer to help him relax and go to sleep?


Task 2:


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, Employees shouldn’t send personal text or e-mails during the work hour.


11 11


Task 1:


Describe the advantages and/or disadvantages of moving to a new place to live.


Task 2:


Do you agree or disagree with the statement Parents should make their children listen or read news at an early age?


11 17


Task 1:


One of your friends plans to buy a car, but he has to do part-time to earn money for it, what suggestion are you going to give him?


Task 2:


Your university is planning to allow people in the community to take courses with students.


This course will be free for them and they will not receive feedback or grades about their papers. Do you think this is a good program and why?


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Task 1:


Among the following three ways, which one do you think will be the best to help a new student get familiar with the school life.


1.current student partner


2.orientation class


3.Help desk


Task 2:


You are going to have a job interview, but it’s quite far away, will you accept an interview through phone call?


11 25


Task 1


Which one do you think help you the most to choose a residence at university?


1.A friendly roommate


2.Enough space of storage


3.Near supermarket or restaurants


Task 2:


Community wants to help old people feel more comfortable with computers. Which one do you think is better? Give lectures to all elder people together or recruit student to tutor elder people individually?


12 8


Task 1:


Nowadays, people are encouraged to use their own usable bags when go shopping to reduce waste, and people who do not bring their own bags will be charged for some fees, talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this policy.


Task 2:


When visiting a museum that allow to take photographs, do you prefer to take photographs or just simply look around?




12 16




There is going to have students’ TV show. Which do you think is the most interesting one.


Interview school leaders


Students’ debate on political and social topics


Comedy about school life



Some people prefer to stay in touch with their friends and family members while travelling. Others not. Which do you prefer ?


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