
点击次数:1892 更新时间:2022年09月29日15:51:50 打印此页 关闭




Describe a thing you are waiting for. You should say :

What is the thing you are waiting for?

Why are you waiting for it?

How long you are going to wait?

And explain how you feel about it?



What is the thing you are waiting for?


Why are you waiting for it?


 How long you are going to wait?


 And explain how you feel about it?



When talking about things that I am waiting for, I have to mention that I am most looking forward to this year's League of Legends World Champion.

This is the biggest annual tournament of the world's popular game League of Legends. As the ultimate battle (最终大战) every year, this tournament is the professional e-sports event that represents the highest honor ( 代表了最高荣誉) in the hearts of all game players from all over the world. The World Championship has been held for eleven editions so far since 2011.

I'm sure every e-sports fan (电竞爱好者) will be waiting as anxiously as I am for this year's 12th edition. In addition, this year's tournament has an even more special significance for ( 有着特殊的意义) Chinese gaming fans, as the Chinese teams are receiving worldwide attention after EDG e-Sports Club from China won the world championship last year. I vividly remember the excitement of watching the finals in my dorm room with my friends last year, as the entire dorm building was abuzz and drowned out by cheers ( 欢呼沸腾) at the moment EDG won the championship.

This year’s tournament will be held in November, which means I'll be waiting for a few dozen days. I will be following the rest of the tournament closely over the next two months and am looking forward to another Chinese championship. I'm confident that it will be a night for global attention.


heavy traffic  拥挤的交通

League of Legends World Champion  英雄联盟世界冠军

sunrise  日出

New Year's Eve  跨年夜

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