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How executive mothers cope


Women still face barriers to progress at work




The earlier generation, by blazing the trail, made it easier for those behindthem. 

A Harvard Business School study shows that adult daughters of employed mothers are more likely to hold supervisory responsibility and earn higher incomes while sons are likely to spend more time caring for family members. 

And companies are now much more willing to promote women, who make up more than a fifth of senior executive positions in American firms, compared with just 10% in 1996. 

A few are exceptionally accommodating, for example providing rooms where mothers can express milk, sinks to wash the breast pump and even courier services to deliver the milk when they are away on a business trip.

作为开路先锋的前一代女性让后来者的路更好走。哈佛商学院的一项研究表明,在职妈妈们的成年女儿更有可能承担管理职责,收入也会更高,而她们的儿子很可能会花更多时间照顾家庭成员。而企业提拔女性的意愿已大幅提高,在美国企业的高管职位中,女性占比超过五分之一,而 1996 年时仅为 10%。有些企业为女性提供极大便利,例如为母亲们提供挤奶室和清洗吸奶器的水池,甚至在她们出差时提供母乳配送的快递服务。




1. blaze /bleɪz/ n. 焰火;光辉 v. 猛烈地燃烧;发光

【→】If someone blazes a trail, they discover or develop something new. 开辟道路;作开路先锋

【例】These surgeons have blazed the trail in the treatment of bomb victims.


2. supervisory /'sju:pə,vaizəri/ adj. 管理的;监督的

【→】Supervisory means involved in supervising people, activities, or places. 管理的;监督的;指导的

【例】So, beginning, or entry-level, jobs are the bottom rungs of the ladder and the supervisory positions are the top rungs of the corporate ladder.


3. executive /ɪg'zekjʊtɪv/ n. 主管;执行官 adj. 执行的

【→】An executive is someone who is employed by a business at a senior level. Executives decide what the business should do, and ensure that it is done. 主管;管理者;经理

【例】A former company executive describes him as the embodiment of Nike’s image.


4. accommodate /ə'kɒmədeɪtɪŋ/ vt, 容纳;使适应

【→】If you describe someone as accommodating, you like the fact that they are willing to do things in order to please you or help you. 乐于帮助的;与人方便的;肯通融的

【例】Historically, however, authorities have not always been so accommodating.


5. exceptionally /ɪkˈsepʃənəli/ adv. (用于形容词和副词之前表示强调)罕见,特别,非常

【→】used before an adjective or adverb to emphasize how strong or unusual the quality is.

【例】Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production.


6. courier /'kʊrɪə/ n. 快递;导游 v. 快递

【→】If you courier something somewhere, you send it there by courier. 让快递员送;快递

【例】The device that went to CNN's offices arrived by courier, a law enforcement official said.

一名执法官员说,送往 CNN 办公室的邮件是邮递员送去的。



⚫ blaze the trail: 开辟道路

⚫ likely to:可能

⚫ care for:喜欢;注重;照料;尊重

⚫ willing to:乐意

⚫ make up:编造;弥补;化妆;制定

⚫ compare with:与…相比

⚫ for example:例如

⚫ breast pump:吸乳器

⚫ be away on holiday/official business/trip/journey: 外出度假/出差/旅行

【表达积累】:除了“blaze the trail/way”, 关于“为 XXX 开辟道路“的相关表达还有:“clear/pave/open/prepare the way for sth”,意为:“为 XXX 开辟道路/创造条件” 

【造句】:Su bingtian blazed the trail of China Athletics by becoming the first Chinese athlete to reach the oplimpic 100m final.



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