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2022.12.4 考题分析

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Students can learn as much by watching movies as they can learn by reading books.




1. 很多学生本身不喜欢看书,所以对于他们来说,看电影确实能学到很多。

2. 看纪录片能让学生学到和书一样多的内容(历史、地理、文化等)。

3. 好的电影能让学生理解深刻的人生道理,跟读书能理解的一样。

4. 很多电影能让学生学习社会准则,跟读书能学习的一样。


1. 看电影更多是娱乐,学生容易分心,而不能像书一样激发思考。

2. 看电影的信息密度没有书高,效率更低,学的更少。

3. 电影能涉及的知识范围较为单一,不像书广阔(如理工科类知识)。

4. 看电影能学到的东西较浅,不如读书更深入。



1. To begin with, there are so many topics that movies just could not touch on like books can. // For one thing, it's hard to learn knowledge of science and engineering from movies. As is known to all, subjects like science and engineering usually involve abstract theories or formulas, 需要学生专注去思考其内在逻辑联系,验算检测并应用等。However, 这些东西电影都很难通过visuals去呈现,而且电影作为一个娱乐导向的媒介,很少会有人去做这类dull内容。In other words, 对于理工科的学生来说,很难说他们能从电影里学到和他们的课本一样多的内容。// For another, 文科如哲学这类内容也很难从电影学到。For example, 我在大学中最喜欢看的就是Alain de Botton的哲学书,他的The Art of Travel和The Consolation of Philosophy都不长,让我很快对很多古典哲学家的理论思想有了大概的了解(to grasp the big ideas of a range of classic philosophers such as Aristotle),which I hardly learn anything like this in movies.


2. In addition, even though certain movies are educational, watching them is still less effective than reading for knowledge acquisition. // This is because 电影不是课堂而是讲故事,因此一个电影definitely会花很多时间进行情节的铺垫,也会穿插一些conflicts and tensions to draw its viewers’ attention,甚至telling some jokes around to entertain. 这些都会使得平均两小时长的电影很可能只能呈现书中很少的一部分。// For example, I knew when I was a college student that I would major in business when I went on to graduate school. 为了更好的适应未来的学习,我就去看了The Wolf of Wall Street, attempting to be more familiar with this field of study。Unfortunately, despite the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio gave an incredible performance, it ended up just teaching me several terms about stock market. In other words, 这些我只需要翻开(turn pages, sroll through) 任意一本finance的教材terminology这页,就能了解。


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