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A university has money in its budget to do ONE thing to improve its facilities for students: it can either improve the quality of the technology (for example, computers and printers) that it provides for students. OR it can redesign spaces where students hold club meetings and gather with friends in their spare time to make these areas more comfortable and appealing. Which one do you prefer?




一、improve the quality of technology

1. 帮助学生的学术学习

2. 老旧的科技设备很影响学生的效率(打印机卡纸等)

3. 老旧的科技设备可能会跟不上现有的一些技术(软件不适用等),影响学习

4. 学生在不那么舒服的场所还是可以开会,但科技太差就太影响了

5. 学生可能更喜欢去咖啡馆等其他地方social

二、redesign spaces

1. 更舒适的地方让学生更有创造力

2. 更舒适的地方让学生更加放松

3. 更舒适的地方让学生不用去找其他地方替代,花钱花时

4. 打印机等一般学校有打印店,也不贵

5. 电脑学生一般都喜欢用自己的,更加方便实用

6. 设备的更新换代是需要经常做的,很费钱


立场:improve the technology

1. On the one hand, technology plays a crucial role in students’ academic life. // This is because在当下这个互联网时代,大学生们很多作业、课程、或者一些报告等都是在电脑上完成的(college students rely on computers for everything from …); besides, 还有很多时候老师也是需要他们打印出来交纸质版存档。Therefore, 他们很多时候需要使用学校的电脑check information或者需要使用学校的打印机打印。However, if the equipment is not advanced and sufficient enough, such poor quality technology can be so frustrating and even hinder students’ ability to succeed academically. // Take my experience for example. 我还记得在我读研的一个期末周(final week),我的marketing课需要我们交最终的report, which was prepared by the six of us with around 100 pages. 因为知道很多,所以我提前一天就去打印室打印。但是打印室里的六台机子旁都站满了期末周交作业的学生,而且他们因为都是很老的机器了,所以经常卡纸(got jammed/stalled, experienced paper jams all the time)In the end, I waited until the noon to get our report printed. See, 如果学校能平时就好好保养或者更换这些老古董,学生们就不用在周末周本该复习的时间拿来浪费等待了。

2. On the other hand, while redesigning spaces for students to gather and hold club meetings is also important, it is not as essential as providing top-quality technology. // For one thing, 即使这个space不是那么舒服,学生还是可以开会。As we all know, 就算这个space只是简单的教室with simple chairs, desks and a whiteboard, 这依然不影响学生在里面讨论他们的活动议程、谁负责哪个板块等各种细则。// For another, 学生通常也更喜欢去不同的地方比如咖啡馆等和朋友聚会。Take myself for example. 我的大学在成都的市中心,所以我记得那个时候we were always feeling adventurous and would like to hit up some different coffee spots for our gatherings. 有些店是欧美风格,有些店是日韩风,老板和咖啡们也很不一样。We enjoyed so much exploring that I even did not know if our university has offered any places for students to hold meetings. 我想应该有,但固定的一个地方怎么能比得上外面的各色各样的新鲜设计呢?From my example, we can see that a lot of students like me可能根本就不需要这样的空间。


上一条:【雅思】不清楚雅思考试流程?看完这篇你就知道了 下一条:【雅思】P2口语素材分享:喜欢的电影