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Describe the home of someone you know well and that you often visit. You should say :

Whose home it is

How often you go there 

What it is like

And explain how you feel about the home


这道题可以从熟人熟人去拓展思路。我们可以聊聊自己经常去做客或者玩游戏的好朋友的家里,也可以说说每周会去的爷爷奶奶、外公外婆的家里,唯一需要注意的是限定词“someone you know”。下面为大家整理了有关“常去的熟人之家”的词汇,一起往下看吧~

 Whose home it is?

常规问题, 简要描述一下去的谁的家,可以是爷爷奶奶可以是同学也可以是亲戚家。

 How often you go there?


 What it is like?


 And explain how you feel about the home?



Among all the homes of someone I am familiar with, it is Gary’s two-storey villa close to the sea shore that leaves me the deepest impression. I suppose it is roughly about ten years ago when I visit there for the first time to attend Gary’s birthday party. After that time, I go there from time to time as it is an ideal place for us to enjoy each other’s company and do a wide range of things including playing games and watching movies together which are recreational for both of us. Without any doubt every time we all have a blast there.

The reasons why I am really into it are various. First of all, the space is staggeringly(惊人的) large. It has a garage large enough for two cars. What’s more, there are 4 living rooms, 2 dining rooms and an amazing courtyard with a basketball  court surrounded by different genres(种类) of plants and flowers. It allows us to play games like playing basketball and hide and seek together. As a sports person, I always spend the whole day playing with Gary since it is entertaining for us. Second, it gives me a peaceful mindset( 内心平静). Sitting on the balcony, I could only hear the whistling of the sea breeze and the chirping ( 鸟 叫 ) of seagulls. When I feel fidgety and grumpy ( 烦躁) , the serenity and tranquility(宁静) of the environment could always help me get rid of the stress.

In conclusion, Gary’s villa is always on the top of my list, as it is comfy and interesting.


abode  住所家

house-warming party  乔迁聚会

cozy and warm  温馨温暖

spacious  宽敞的

the sense of belonging  归属感

spotlessly clean  一尘不染


上一条:【雅思】来从2023新年贺词中学习地道表达吧~ 下一条:【托福】口语掌握这7个技巧,25分没问题