Because most students have their own laptops, your university is considering closing the campus computer lab, where students use university-owned computers.
Do you think this is a good idea?
Explain why or why not, using details and examples in your response.
许多同学看到题目会觉得: 那好像真的没有必要开放。
2 学校可以省钱 Personally, I think school should close the campus computer labs. Firstly, because the computers in the school lab were often purchased several years ago, the hardware of those computers is not up-to-date. So, students may find out that some computers run slowly and barely load a website. That is very frustrating,especially when students are using computers to get work done. Secondly, by closing the computer labs, the university could save a lot of money. For example, to run a computer lab, the school has to maintain the equipments and pay for the electricity. So, if there is not much demand for these labs, the university could cut those costs. 世诺留学面向全球学员提供雅思、托福、GRE、GMAT等在线课程,面向湖北考生提供线下培训课程,试听免费、一对一保过、送不限量口语陪练、作文精批。欢迎来访来电,襄阳市万达广场写字楼705(为避免与课程或休息冲突,来访前请提前电话预约),0710-3317171,13396111169,咨询顾问微信:13297003449,官方微信公众号:世诺留学、官方新浪微博:世诺留学。