
  Ambition is a positive quality for people to have in many societies today. How important is it for people who want to succeed in life? Is it a positive or negative characteristic?






  这是一道报告+利弊的混合类大作文,聊得是雄心壮志对于成功的重要性以及利弊分析。报告类的文章结构比较简单,根据问什么答什么的原则,主体段一分析雄心壮志的中重要性,主体段二分析它的利弊。审题时候需要注意两点,一是利弊分析需要明确做出比较,说明为什么优势更大或劣势更大。二是需要必须要围绕着succeed进行讨论,为了便于讨论,“succeed in life”需要给出更明确的定义,比如事业成功等。下面月半鸭和大家来看下具体观点。








  In contemporary societies, ambition is often heralded as a cornerstone of success. This essay contends that while ambition is indeed a crucial trait for achieving success, its value and impact should be assessed with caution to avoid potential pitfalls.

  At the heart of ambition lies a deep-seated desire to achieve and excel, making it an indispensable quality for those aspiring to succeed. In professional domains, ambitious individuals are typically more motivated, goal-oriented, and proactive, qualities that are essential in navigating the competitive landscapes of modern careers. Furthermore, ambition drives innovation and progress, as those who strive to attain new heights often push the boundaries of what is possible. In this sense, ambition is not just important but vital for personal and collective advancement.

  The positive facets of ambition are manifold. Firstly, it fosters resilience and determination. Ambitious people, fueled by their clear objectives, are more likely to persevere through challenges and setbacks. This resilience often leads to personal growth and the achievement of significant milestones. Additionally, ambition can inspire others, creating a ripple effect of motivation and high standards. In societal terms, ambitious leaders and innovators often spearhead transformative changes, leading to advancements in technology, health, and social norms.

  In conclusion, ambition is a double-edged sword. While it is undeniably a positive quality that catalyzes personal and societal progress, unchecked ambition can lead to detrimental outcomes such as unethical behavior or burnout. Therefore, it is essential for individuals to balance ambition with ethical considerations and a sense of well-being. In its best form, ambition is not merely a path to personal success but a driving force for collective betterment.




  Cornerstone of success 成功的基石

  Deep-seated desire 根深蒂固的欲望

  Navigate the competitive landscapes 驾驭竞争激烈的环境

  Push the boundaries 突破界限

  Ripple effect 涟漪效应

  Spearhead transformative changes 引领变革

  Double-edged sword 双刃剑

  Unchecked ambition 失控的抱负

  Ethical considerations 伦理考虑

  Collective betterment 集体提升
