
点击次数:914 更新时间:2024年03月29日09:03:59 打印此页 关闭





Some people prefer to shop regularly at a store that is close and convenient to them, even though it might be expensive. Others prefer to shop regularly at a store with the lowest prices, even if it is far away. 

Which do you prefer?


1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: When you submit your job application/resume, you should put your photo in it. 


2.Do you prefer to work in the company regularly or work at home flexibly? 


3.Do you agree or disagree that important business meetings should be held in person rather than use technology such as video conference call? Give specific reasons to support your answer. 


4.Imagine you have been offered two jobs. One pays a very high salary but requires you to work very long hours. The other one pays a lower salary but does not require you to work overtime. Which job would you prefer? 


5.Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better? 


6.Some people prefer to watch sports live; while others prefer to watch sports on TV. Which do you prefer, and why? 




I like to shop at a store that's nearby and easy to get to, even if it's a bit more expensive. 

Firstly, it saves me time and effort. For instance, when I need to purchase groceries or essentials, having a nearby store allows me to quickly go there without spending much time commuting. This convenience is invaluable, especially when I have a busy schedule or urgent commitments

Secondly, although the prices might be a bit higher at a nearby store, the money you save on travel costs balances it out. You don't have to spend extra on gas or bus fare to get to a cheaper store far away. Plus, it's better for the environment because you're not driving long distances.


上一条:【雅思】4月6日雅思大作文解题思路:广告的影响 下一条:【留学资讯】雅思只要6分就可以入读硕士的专业有哪些?(盘点QS2024 TOP300以内的英国名校)