

Your professor is teaching a class on environmental protection. Write a post responding to the professor's question.
In your response you should do the following.
· Express and support your opinion.
· Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Doctor Smith
In today's world, the escalating environmental challenges demand collective efforts at the grassroots level. As local communities grapple with issues such as pollution, resource depletion, and habitat destruction, individuals play a pivotal role in initiating positive change. Given the urgency of the situation, the question arises: What is the most useful action for people to help the environment in their local communities?

I believe avoiding buying things that are not environmentally friendly is crucial. This includes being mindful of our purchases, opting for sustainable and eco-friendly products, and reducing overall consumption.

Planting trees and creating parks can have a significant impact. Trees contribute to cleaner air and provide habitats for various species, while parks offer green spaces for the community to enjoy and connect with nature.


I agree with Amy that avoiding the purchase of environmentally unfriendly items is crucial. It involves being mindful of our buying choices, opting for sustainable and eco-friendly products, and reducing overall consumption. By doing so, individuals contribute to a significant reduction in the environmental impact associated with the production and disposal of non-sustainable goods. For instance, choosing reusable items over single-use plastics not only reduces waste but also encourages the adoption of more environmentally friendly practices. In local communities, this conscientious purchasing behavior can set an example and foster a culture of sustainability, promoting positive environmental change. Furthermore, supporting businesses that prioritize eco-friendly practices not only reinforces environmentally responsible initiatives but also stimulates the growth of a sustainable market. This, in turn, encourages more businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices, creating a positive cycle of environmental consciousness within local economies.


I agree with Rory that planting trees and making parks can be really helpful for the environment. Trees do a big job in keeping the air clean by taking in carbon dioxide, and they also make homes for different animals. And when we have parks, it gives everyone a nice green space to enjoy and be close to nature. For example, when people in the community come together to plant trees, it not only makes the area look nice but also helps nature and the environment. Moreover, having parks can encourage people to spend time outdoors, promoting a healthier lifestyle and a stronger sense of community. So, I think doing things like planting trees and creating parks can make our local communities better, greener, and more connected.(127 words)


1. a significant reduction in the environmental impact 对环境影响的显著减少

例句 The introduction of electric vehicles can lead to a significant reduction in the environmental impact of transportation.

2. single-use plastics 一次性塑料

例句 The ban on single-use plastics aims to reduce plastic pollution in oceans and landfills.

3. environmentally friendly practices 环保做法

例句 Recycling and using renewable energy sources are environmentally friendly practices that contribute to sustainability.

4. conscientious 有良知的,认真的

例句 The conscientious decision to use public transportation instead of a personal car reduces individual carbon footprint.

5. environmentally responsible initiatives 环保责任倡议

例句 The company's commitment to zero-waste production is an environmentally responsible initiative.

6. a sustainable market 可持续市场

例句 The demand for eco-friendly products is driving the growth of a sustainable market.

7. a positive cycle 正向循环

例句 Conservation efforts leading to increased biodiversity can create a positive cycle of ecosystem health.
