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  方法1 同义词替换

  alltheir working life – throughouttheir working life (修饰词同义替换)

  solar energy-- solar power(同义名词替换)

  arts subjects– art courses(同义名词替换)

  universityfees-- moneyon tertiary study(同义名词替换)

  chancesof employment--jobopportunities (同义名词替换)

  to monitorpeople-- to keepthe publicundersurveillance(动词转名词词组同义替换)

  方法2 换语序

  Solar energyis becoming more and more popularas a source of household energy

  -- Solar power as a source of domestic household energyis becoming more desirable

  方法3 换词性

  globalised world – globalization (形容词—名词)

  方法4 换语法

  1) 主被动转换

  …to monitorpeople -- the people being monitored…

  security cameras is increasingly being used to monitorwhat people are saying and doing

  -- security cameras are recordingthe movements of ordinary citizens

  2) 其它语法形式转变

  peopleare living longer -- people have become used to the idea that they will probablylive longer (时态转变)

  an increasing number of people are suffering from health problemsas a result ofeating too much fast food

  -- The growth of the fast food industryhas, without doubt,impacted onthe eating habits and the health(因果关系转变)

  方法5 同意转换或意义拓展

  work forthe same organization -- remain inthe same organization (同义转换)

  over the past thirty years--in recent years (同义转换)

  Nowadays-- In recent years-- In the 21st century(同义转换)

  In some countries-- of many societies around the world(同义转换)

  have more opportunity to study abroad-- have many more options regarding how and where to find that knowledge. (同义转换)

  practical degree courses-- science, engineering or media(意义具体化拓展)

  philosophy and history-- arts subjects文科 (意义概括化拓展)


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