【雅思】口语Part 3:“同意与否”话题这样回答,考官都惊呆了!

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- 流利连贯性Fluency and coherence (FC)

- 词汇多样性 Lexical recourse (LR)

- 语法多样性和准确度

 Grammatical range and accuracy (GRA)

-  发音Pronunciation (PRON)


在雅思口语考试中,Part 3一直是很多同学的弱点,因为不知道考官会突然问出什么问题。


Part 3 不仅考查了考生的口语,还考查了考生的应变与语言组织能力。这就需要同学们在平时练习的时候多积累、多运用、多思考。


在口语考试的Part 3中,同意与否是考官常常提问的一种话题类型。但是,你真地知道该如何回答这类问题吗?

很多同学在回答同意与否话题时,上来就说 I agree up to a point, but I have my reservations...



Part 3,有时候考官会直接问你的观点是什么,或者你是否同意某一观点,比如:


Do you think...?

Do you agree that...?

Would you agree that...?

Some people say... what do you think


这时,你首先需要表达自己的观点Yes or No即可。



Is reading important? Should children read a lot









Do you think children should have a mobile phone?/ Do you agree that children should have mobile phone?


最简单的回答就是"Yes". 但是,咱能不总说yes吧?


如果真的想像native speaker那样来自然的回答,可以试试以下几种方式。


-Do you agree...?

-Yes, I do.


-Would you agree...?

-Yes, I would.


这是在口语中是最常见的表达。但是要注意,在回答的时候要使用正确的附加语(I do/I would



-Should children have a mobile phone

-Yes, they should.


但是,如果在回答时你不确定要加什么附加语,就可以简单地回答“Yes, I think so.” 这样不会出错哦!


曾经有一位雅思考官说,他在考场上总能听到考生说“I think yes”.




正确的说法应该是:I think so. 一定要记住哦!


* I think yes. ✘ 

* I think so. ✔






比如,考官问你:"Do you agree that children should have mobile phone?"




✔ "Yes, I totally/completely agree, it seems to me (that)..."

✔ "For sure, I couldn't agree more..."

✔ "Yes/Yep/Yeah, I do agree, in my view..."


Yes,I completely agree, it seems to me they should have a mobile phone in case they need to call their parents in an emergancy.


For sure, I couldn't agree more, I mean I think it's important they have a phone in case they need to call their parents.


Yes/Yep/Yeah, I do agree, in my view it's really important they have a phone, so they can call their parents in case of emergancy.





比如,考官问你:"Do you think we should keep all our traditions?"




✔ "Yes, I tend to agree..."

✔ "Up to a point, but..."

✔ "To same extent, but..."

✔ "By and large yes..."


Yes, I tend to agree, but at the same time there are some traditions we should let go of.


Up to a point, but there are some traditions we don't need to continue...


To same extent, but undoubtedly there are some traditions we should stop.


By and large yes, most of our traditions are good and they instil some good values in families and societies.



考官提出一个问题后,如果你也不确定,不知道是同意还是不同意 (unsure),可以用下面这些回答。


比如,考官问你:"Do you think ebook will replace paper books in the future?"




✔ "To be honest, I am not 100% sure about that..."

✔ "That's a tough one---in some respects yes..."

✔ "Well, it depends. I reckon..."

✔ "By and large yes..."



To be honest, I am not 100% sure about that, it's possible, but at the same time, I think we will still use paper books.


That's a tough one---in some respects yes, but I still do feel we will read paper books in the future.


Well, it depends. I reckon in the future, we will use both digital books and paper books.





考官:Do you think parents are stricter than in the past




✔ "No Idon't, I would say..."

✔ "Actually, I don't agree with that."(后面加自己的观点)

✔ "To be honest, I don't agree with that."(后面加自己的观点)


No Idon't, I would say they were much stricter in past.


Actually, I don't agree with that. I think parents in the past were stricter than they are nowadays!


To be honest, I don't agree with that. I would say nowadays parents are not as strict as in the past.

考官还有可能这样问你:"Some people say..., what do you think?"




✔ "I beg to differ..."

✔ "I have to disagree, ..."

✔ "That's not exactly how I see it, ..." 



Q: Some people say parents are stricter now than in the past, what do you think


I beg to differ, I think parents were much stricter in the past.


I have to disagree, I think parents were stricter in the past, for example my father told me how strict his father was and it's quite horrific.


"That's not exactly how I see it,I would tend to say parents are less strict nowadays."



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