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A university is considering establishing a new requirement for graduation in addition to its normal requirements about completing coursework: all students must attend a course on public speaking to develop skills that will be useful in speaking in front of large groups of people. Do you agree or disagree that a public speaking course should be a requirement for all the universities’ students? Why?



今天的这道题虽然题目很长,但其实是重复经典考题,是否要加一门新课,这里考察的是是否要加public speaking课。

这类题因为题目中有all, required这些绝对词,所以解题思路都比较一致,就是反驳即可,承认这类课有益,但是并非所有学生都需要,或者说并非要设定为必修课强制学习等。

当然,绝对词题也是可以写正向同意的,只要言之有理,讲到public speaking确实益处非常大,适合每个学生,就没问题了~

另外,这道题需要注意的是,public speaking courses是指的教授公共演讲技巧的课程,不是学校里的讲座,注意不要写跑题。



1. 诚然,开设公共演讲课是有一定好处的。

2. 但是,使其成为必修课会加重学生的负担(学生很忙)。

3. 并不是所有学生都需要公众演讲。

3. 公众演讲其实可以通过其他途径学习(比如上网、看书、参加社团等)

4. 有些学生本身对公共演讲很了解,没有必要再去上课。

5. 这种所有学生都必须上的课很容易成为水课,大家上课不认真,学不到东西。


1. 上公共演讲课能帮助学生系统学习公共演讲的技巧,有助于未来进入社会。

2. 上公共演讲课能帮助学生有更多机会站在台上演讲,增强自信心。

3. 上公共演讲课能让学生学习到很多其他知识,因为演讲需要很多准备。

4. 上公共演讲课能让学生提升交流技巧,更好应对生活中的各种情况。



1. 让步段:Admittedly,了解演讲技巧对于大学生来说肯定是有益的。For instance, having a public speaking course allows university students to systematically learn how to convey ideas clearly or how to give a speech persuasively. // However, this does not necessarily mean universities should force every student to sit in a classroom to learn such information. In fact, 这类课程会大大加重学生负担且效果不佳,而且他们其实也可以通过其他更方便高效的方式获取这些知识。

2. First off, a course unrelated to academics like public speaking may add abundant pressure to college students. // Nowadays, students routinely sprint through jam-packed daily schedules, tackling big servings of academic work plus giant helpings of extracurricular activity. Therefore, 如果他们被要求必须要再上一门公众演讲的课程,他们很容易get exhausted and overwhelmed. // Take myself for example. I majored in Food Science and Engineering when I was in my undergraduate. 还记得我们的专业必修课程都是很基础但很抽象的science courses like statistics, advanced math, microbiology, advanced physics, etc, which drain out of my most time. 额外有点时间也热衷于参加各种社团或者学生会,每天都很hustle and bustle. 虽然那时学校也设置了一些optional courses, 我本来也报了些但最终都out,因为实在没时间。In a word, 如果学校make public speaking courses compulsory, 而这个课也不简单,需要准备numerous materials and practice speeches over and over again,那么我应该只能经常burn midnight oil.

3. In addition, public speaking skillsets can be acquired through other ways rather than a required course. // For one thing, a variety of internet resources tackling this topic effectively. This is because现在社交网络发展by leaps and bounds, 海量的youtubers from Africa to America都在分享各类自己的技能,including很多演讲教练也开了channel去分享怎么和观众互动、怎么克服恐惧or怎么组织信息,这些公众演讲的必备知识。Besides, 网上还有很多优秀演讲者的视频比如Barack Obama, Steve Jobs以及TED等,学生都可以反复观看学习。In other word, just with several clicks, a student could get answers for all questions they may have for preparing a speech just from their comfort of dorms. // For another, 真正对公众演讲感兴趣的同学也可以选择参加相应的社团。For example, during my master program, I was interested in public speaking, so 我就参加了学校的toastmaster, 一个专门帮助大家演讲的社团。In this club, each member had to deliver a certain number of speeches to get a certificate. Also, each member would give positive and constructive feedback to others under some rules, rules that were set to maintain a warm and comfortable atmosphere to encourage everyone to try. 在这样良好的氛围下,我成功做了人生中第一次全英演讲,也学到了很多演讲相关的知识。See, 并不是非要占用学校的必修课时间才能学好这个技能。


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