
首页 > 成功案例 > 雅思考试
发布时间 : 2023-02-10



Describe a historical period/moment you would like to learn more

You should say:

When it happened

What you are interested in

What you know about it

And why you would like to learn more





✅ “想了解的历史时期”+“搜索信息的经历”:


✅ “想了解的历史时期”+“有趣的故事/小说”/“喜欢看的电影”:看了基于这个历史背景下的小说或电影,很感兴趣,想要深入了解

  • 第一小问“When it happened” 是何时发生的


  • 第二小问“What you are interested in”你对哪方面感兴趣


  • 第三小问“What you know about it”你了解了些什么


  • 第四小问“why you would like to learn more” 你为什么想了解更多的




Sure, I'd like to talk about the Renaissance period. This was a time in history that took place from the 14th to the 17th century, mainly in Europe. I'm particularly interested in the artistic and cultural developments that occurred during this time, as well as the advancements in science and exploration.

What I already know about the Renaissance is that it was a period of great intellectual and cultural awakening, marked by a renewed interest in classical learning and the arts. This was also a time when many important scientific discoveries were made, and there were significant advances in exploration, with explorers like Columbus setting out to discover new lands.

There are a few reasons why I would like to know more about the Renaissance. Firstly, I think it was a really exciting and dynamic time in history, with so much happening in terms of cultural and intellectual development. I'd love to learn more about the specific achievements and innovations that took place during this time, and how they have shaped the world we live in today.

Another reason I'd like to know more about the Renaissance is because art is of great interest to me, and I'm always interested in learning about the different artistic movements and styles that have developed throughout history. The Renaissance was a time when some of the greatest works of art in history were created, and I'd love to learn more about the specific artists and their techniques.

Overall, I think the Renaissance was an incredibly important and influential period in history, and I'd love to know more about it.


Renaissance period 文艺复兴时期

artistic and cultural developments 艺术和文化发展

intellectual and cultural awakening 知识和文化的觉醒

significant advances 重大的进步

exciting and dynamic time 激动人心、充满活力的时代

incredibly important and influential period 非常重要且影响深远的时代


