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Online shopping provides consumers with many product alternatives and a vast amount of product information. But purchasing common, everyday items—convenience goods-—requires little brand comparison, planning, or new information. Consumers know exactly what to buy, and where to buy it, based on past shopping experience. 

So, in relation to convenience goods, online shopping has little advantage over traditional shopping.(日常商品大家不需要比对或者详细的信息——所以网络购物对日常商品没用)

The argument above is most vulnerable to the criticism that it            

A. fails to take into account that the most significant segment of online shopping sales is not convenience goods

B. presumes, without providing justification, that convenience goods are typically products of a kind that everybody purchases at some time

C. presumes, without providing justification, that online shopping has no significant advantages that are relevant besides product choice and product information

D. fails to consider the advantages of traditional shopping in relation to certain categories of goods other than convenience goods

E. fails to take into account that even ordinary, everyday items are sometimes not conveniently available to purchase


◆ 当选项表达是:

It fails to consider/acknowledge……

It ignore the possibility that……

It fail to address the possibility that…

It overlooks the possibility that……


◆ 当选项的表达是:

It take for granted that……

It presume, without justification, that…





A. fails to take into account that the most significant segment of online shopping sales is not convenience goods(文章只考虑日常商品购买到底哪个好,网络购物主要卖的不是日常商品只能更加说明在线购物更好 加强了argument)

B. presumes, without providing justification, that convenience goods are not typically products of a kind that everybody purchases at some time(...的内容取反,看是否能削弱argument:没有指出在线购物和传统购物谁更好,日常商品不是每个人都会购买的这个特点 是针对在线购物和传统购物都存在的 无法削弱结论)

C. presumes, without providing justification, that online shopping has no significant advantages that are relevant besides product choice and product information(..的内容取反,看是否能削弱argument:指出了在线购物有其他优点,削弱了结论说在线购物优势不足)

D.fails to consider advantages of traditional shopping in relation to certain categories of goods other than convenience goods(其他商品传统购物有优势 从方向上来说就是反了 先不说提到不是日常商品的购买,主要是这是说传统购物好,不是缺点)

E.fails to take into account that even ordinary, everyday items are sometimes not conveniently available to purchase(日常商品有时候不方便购买,无形中反驳了客观前提—Consumers know exactly what to buy, and where to buy it, based on past shopping experience;此外这个条件也是二种购物方式的共同特点,并不是传统购物的缺点或者在线购物的优点)



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