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High school teachers spend most of the class time lecturing while the students listen and take notes. Other high school teachers spend most of the class time on discussion and projects that students are highly involved in and exchange their ideas.

Which of these two approaches do you think is more effective for students' learning and why?




1. 这里讨论的范围是high school,所以针对是高中生的学习环境,大家就不要放宽到大学、小学等了,要紧扣题的范围回答。

2. 选择的那个方法最终目的一定是可以更高效帮助学生学习的。而不是交友、放松等。



1. lecturing 这个方法更有效

① 课堂内容更好控制,每次课更容易保证学习内容。

② 老师讲课更容易重点突出,学习更加高效。

③ 学生讨论有时容易闲聊,浪费时间。

④ 学生讨论可能会有部分学生划水。

2. discussion 这个方法更有效

① 学生参与度更高,记得更扎实。

② 学生参与度更高,对知识点理解更深刻。

③ 只是老师讲课,会很枯燥。

④ 老师讲课可能无法解决很多学生个性化的问题。



1. First, lectures can guarantee the content of studies since the class is more in control. This is because 当老师上课的时候,会设计课堂,让学生能通过记笔记、回答问题、和做练习去完成这个知识点的深入学习(are all relevant to)。Therefore, students can digest and apply all the knowledge much faster under teachers’ guidance. By contrast, if too much time is being used by discussion, then students may go too far or too blurred to truly comprehend anything deeper. For example, when I was in my high school, I attended a course called film appreciation where my teacher always asked us to discuss freely about a certain one. 作为高中生的我们知识储备并不多,只能随便谈谈自己喜欢还是不喜欢。结果最后这个课,自己除了记得我的team members喜欢哪部电影,其他什么也没有学到。

2. Second, teachers can help students to identify key learning points when lecturing. As is known to all, 老师都要备课,将每节课需要学习的重点都归纳出来,拆解给学生。In this case, students can understand much more within a short period of time. Take myself for example. When I studied English in high school, my English teacher Amanda always prepared so well on imparting the knowledge of grammar. Yes, 语法通常枯燥(tedious)、知识点多(tremendous and trivial)、且很难记忆(hard to memorize). However, 多亏老师总结了很多要点和框架,划出重点掌握部分,比如基本句型(basic sentence patterns)我们学起来都很轻松。To conclude, had it not been for Amanda’s efforts on compiling everything in one plate, we would have struggled for much longer on this course.


上一条:【双语阅读】和平谈判是结束危机的关键 下一条:【托福】满分托福作文竟在照抄原文?