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发布时间 : 2023-05-26

5.20 雅思写作考情解析




bar chart

The percentage of different types of household waste, including plastic, paper, glass and cans that were recycled in a city between 1992 and 2002.

在写bar chart的时候,请大家一定抓住题目中最核心main features,以及在相关地方作对比


1. plastic,cans,paper和glass 回收的比例在增加(more and more waste was recycled over the period given. )

2. glass 是被回收最多的,2002年的时候,nearly half of wasted glass was collected


The bar chart summarizes (总结) the percentages of 4 different categories (类别) of residential waste recycled in a city in three years.

Overall, while more and more glass, paper and plastic were recycled over the period given.

There was around 13% of glass recycled in 1992, with the number increasing to just below 30 percent in 1997 and to almost 50% in 2002, making glass the most recycled waste material (被回收最多的材料)in these two years.

The percentages of paper recycled showed a similar upward trend(上升趋势), though they increased less significantly (不太显著)over the period, at around 12% in 1992, 18% in 1997 and 29% in 2002.

The proportion of recycled cans, in comparison(相比较而言), first went through a from roughly 15% to 12% between 1992 and 1997, but then rose to just over 20% in 2002. Households(家庭) recycled less plastic, at only 10%, than the other types of waste in 1992. This figure only grew to approximately 12% in 1997 before remaining at this level (稳定在这个水平上) in 2002.



Countries with a long average working day are more likely to be economical successfully than other countries but suffer some negative social consequences at a result.  To what extent do you agree or disagree?


但是需要注意,题目中给出了一个很重要的题眼词汇:social consequences 社会方面的结果。所以你的整体讨论,需要围绕社会层面展开。

避雷思路:如果只是单纯说加班会导致身体健康问题,那这个就是和social consequence没有关系了,因为健康是个人问题。


extended work schedule

prolonged working hours



Long working hours are important for the economic growth of any country. First, most of the countries working durations (工作时长) are longer because many people think long working hours equal to (相等于) better productivity and development. However, lengthening the duration of hours per employee will not necessarily improve the productivity rate of labor.  In fact, the extended work schedule(延时工作安排), on the contrary, lowers people's working efficiency because of fatigue and depression, which is followed by the overall decrease of productivity in our society.

The long working day is not enough if doesn't use effective management. Technological innovation is the key source of achieving competitive advantage (竞争优势) and national wealth.  The innovative technology, such as artificial intelligence, has helped to increase performance in producing goods, facilitated communication and enabled more extensive networking and cooperation among firms. Thus, prolonged working time (延长的工作时间) is useless without the involvement of new technologies, process automation and management strategies.


