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Doctor Achebe: Some argue that factories, as major producers of pollution and waste, should be pushed to make dramatic changes in how they operate in order to protect and preserve the environment. Others contend that it is the small, cumulative actions of individuals that lead to the greatest impact, so public awareness and altered societal norms are most critical. I would like you to consider: who do you believe should make more efforts when it comes to environmental protection - factories or individuals?

Andrew: Factories should take the lead on protecting the environment because their impact is massive compared to individuals. For example, a single factory can generate tons of pollution per day, dwarfing what one person produces in a lifetime. Strict regulations and greener technologies for manufacturers would lead to huge reductions in emissions and waste.

Claire: Individuals should lead on environmental protection because we can drive cultural change. By making green lifestyle choices - reducing energy, taking public transit, minimizing waste - we set an example and normalize sustainability. And by purchasing eco-products and ethical companies, everyday consumer decisions incentivize businesses to follow suit.






1. 单个工厂带来的污染很大,更应该减少。

2. 工厂影响力大,当工厂自身改变后,也会影响其员工、消费者等意识变化

3. 工厂更应该多环保,因为长期来看是很好的投资(现代很多消费者转向更环保产品)

4. 工厂应该尝试更环保的能源,因为长期来看成本也能下降


1. 个人更应该,因为人多力量大,合在一起的影响更大

2. 个人更应该,因为个人更能形成连环效应(提升环保意识等)

3. 个人更应该,因为更多的个人环保意识形成后,会倒逼商业产生变化,生产更环保

4. 个人更应该,因为个人更容易改变



In my opinion, I agree with Claire’s idea that individuals should make more effort to collectively conserve the environment. (同意同学观点)I’d also add that it is much easier for individuals to alter their actions(补充论点)Consider Chengdu, where I live. Every winter, the city will experience several days of extreme haze and air pollution. During these days, the government will post yellow signs encouraging people to use public transportation, offering free bus rides and 20% off on subway’s fares. Because of such financial incentives, most of us make changes on our commutes immediately and turn to these green transportation options, and guess what, the sky will always turn blue again within three days. You see, this demonstrates exactly how individuals can transform so rapidly and then have such a profound impact.(给出例子展开) By contrast, while factories may produce more pollution, as Andrew indicatesit is difficult to request them to switch to environmentally friendly production methods overnightThere are actually a lot of challenges, such as how to continue making a profit while using or producing costly sustainable energy. Moreover, sometimes naïve and radical green initiatives may force factories to close, resulting in the layoff of thousands of workers.(对立面反驳)

196 words


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