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Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways 

You should say:

When and where it happened 

What happened 

How you felt about it 

And explain how it changed your life in good ways


When and where it happened 

The experience that significantly altered my life for the better occurred two years ago when I was a freshman at my university in Shanghai. At that time, l was a Biochemistry major, but l wasn't sure if l was on the right career path. I was doing well academically, but something didn't feel quite right.

What happened 

During the fall semester, our department hosted a guest lecture series featuring professionals in various scientific fields. One of the speakers was a researcher in the field of Environmental Science. Her talk about the importance of environmental conservation and how science can contribute to sustainable practices really struck a chord with me.

How you felt about it 

When I left the lecture hall, I felt a mixture of excitement and clarity that I had never felt before. I was deeply inspired and, for the first time, could actually see a future that l was passionate about. lt was like finding a missing puzzle piece in my life. l began researching more about Environmental Science, attended related workshops, and eventually decided to switch my major. lt was a difficult decision to make, given that I had to catch up on a lot of coursework, but it was definitely worth it.

And explain how it changed your life in good ways

Since then, my academic journey has been not just about getting good grades, but also about contributing to something that I deeply care about. This change has been liberating and motivating. I'm more focused, happy, and driven than ever before. Not only has my academic performance improved, but I've also gotten involved in community service and internships related to environmental conservation. I'm grateful for that transformative lecture, as it set me on a path that is not only fulfilling but also gives me a sense of purpose.


  • Turning point-转折点

     e.g., "This event was a turning point in my life, marking the start of a new chapter.

  • Eye-openingexperience-开阔眼界的经历

     e.g., lt was an eye-opening experience that broadened my perspective on the world.

  • Personalgrowth-个人成长

     e.g., "This incident catalyzed my personal growth and development in unexpected ways."

  • Newfound confidence-新发现的自信

     e.g., "As a result, I gained new found confidence in my abilities and decisions.”

  • Positive outlook- 积极的观点

     e.g., "This experience instilled a positive outlook in me, helping me to see challenges as opportunities."

  • Life-altering decision - 改变生活的决定

     e.g., "Making this life-altering decision was intimidating at first, but it turned out to be incredibly     beneficial."

  • Empowerment-赋权 

     e.g., "l felt a sense of empowerment, realizing that I had the ability to change my life for the better."

  • Broadened horizons- 拓宽视野

     e.g., "This event broadened my horizons and opened up a world of new possibilities."

  • Strengthened resilience- 加强的韧性

     e.g., "lt strengthened my resilience, teaching me to bounce back stronger from life’s challenges."

  • Sense offulfillment- 成就感

     e.g., "The change brought about a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in my life."



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