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Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What are the reasons for this problem? What are the effects on society?




这是一道报告类大作文,聊得学生不愿意学习科学课程的原因和影响。报告类的题目结构比较简单,两个主体段分别回应两个问题,主体段一分析原因,主体段二分析影响。审题时候注意限定对象“on society”,即我们讨论影响时只考虑对社会的影响,不用考虑个人等情况,否则会产生偏题。下面月半鸭和大家一起来看下具体观点。


1. 科学相关课程难度较大令很多同学望而却步。学生不仅需要掌握复杂的理论知识体系和演算能力,还需要进行繁琐重复的实验,并且在这过程中可能会不断面临失败。

2. 读完科学课程后,就业前景可能会受到限制。一方面学生很难在社会上找到匹配自己专业方向的就业岗位,另一方面大多数科研人员的工资可能并不如其他工作,比如金融、计算机等,这会让人觉得性价比过低,不愿意选择科学课程。




Science is not as popular of a major choice among college students as business, arts, or social sciences. I genuinely think that the complexity of these classes and the low pay are contributing factors to this occurrence.

First, the difficulty of science may frustrate students from pursuing a degree in the field. Students are discouraged from enrolling in science courses due to the sophistication of certain abstract equations and theories, as well as the length and repetition of many scientific experiments. Secondly, students are also discouraged from pursuing science degrees because the pay is inadequate. Despite having respectable jobs, scientific professionals usually earn less than their counterparts in business and other fields, because of which significant numbers of students are compelled to pursue suboptimal majors.

However, this trend poses a serious societal risk. Physic and chemistry serve as the foundation upon which modern society is built. To advance in fields such as medicine, engineering, and space science, a foundation in basic sciences is required. The dearth of scientifically talented individuals may inhibit social innovation. Even fewer qualified workers will be available in fields related to science if fewer students choose to major in science. Because we live in a knowledge-based society, it would be detrimental to the economy and the advancement of science in the long run.

In conclusion, if the trend of fewer people enrolling in programmes related to science continues, the effects on society will most certainly be detrimental. This is because the effects on society are broadly influenced by the level of scientific education.


  • genuinely   真正的,真诚的

  • in the field   在……领域

  • have respectable jobs   有体面的工作

  • be compelled to   被迫于

  • dearth   缺乏、不足

  • in the long run   归根结底

  • detrimental   有害的


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