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重要的河或湖 Describe an important river or lake in your country You should say: Where it is located How big or long it is What it looks like and explain why it is important.


  • 它的位置:长江是中国最长的河流,也是世界第三长的河流。它发源于青藏高原,流经多个省份,最终注入东海,经过上海。
  • 它的名字:长江(Yangtze River)在中文中被称为“长江”。

例子: The Yangtze River is the longest river in China and the third-longest in the world. It flows from the Tibetan Plateau, passing through several provinces before reaching the East China Sea near Shanghai.


  • 它有多长:长江全长大约6300公里(3917英里)。
  • 它流经的城市:长江流经多个重要城市,包括重庆、武汉、南京等。

例子: The Yangtze is about 6,300 kilometers long. It flows through important cities like Chongqing, Wuhan, and Nanjing, which are major cultural and economic hubs in China.


  • 它看起来怎样:长江的外观因地而异。在一些地方,河面宽广,平静;而在其他地方,它被陡峭的山脉和深谷包围。尤其是三峡大坝区域,给人一种震撼的感觉。
  • 个人经历:我第一次去长江是高中毕业后,专门去看三峡大坝,深深地被它的规模和影响力所震撼。

例子: The Yangtze varies greatly in appearance along its course. In some areas, it’s wide and calm, such as near the Three Gorges Dam. In others, it flows through steep mountains and deep valleys. I remember when I visited the Three Gorges Dam after graduation. I was amazed by the enormous construction and the power of the river. It made me feel very small in comparison.


  • 经济影响:长江在中国经济中占据重要地位。它是主要的水路运输通道,帮助商品在中国各地流通。三峡大坝为中国提供了大量的水力发电,每年节省数十亿人民币。除此之外,长江的水资源也用于灌溉,是中国最重要的农业区之一。
  • 环境影响:长江对环境的影响同样巨大,它维持了该地区的生态平衡,滋养了丰富的动植物资源。
  • 个人感受:当我第一次看到长江时,我感到既敬畏又敬重。它宽广且宁静,但又充满力量。这让我意识到,它对数百万人的生活至关重要。

例子: The Yangtze River plays a crucial role in China’s economy. It serves as a major waterway for transportation, moving goods across the country. The Three Gorges Dam, which is on the Yangtze, generates a significant amount of hydroelectric power and saves billions of yuan annually. The river also provides water for irrigation, supporting one of China’s most important agricultural regions. Environmentally, the Yangtze helps sustain biodiversity and maintain the water cycle in central and eastern China.


  • 总结:长江不仅因为它的规模和地理重要性而至关重要,还因为它在经济和环境上的巨大影响。它是中国历史和发展的重要组成部分,许多城市和产业都依赖它的存在。

例子: In conclusion, the Yangtze River is vital not just for its size and geographical reach, but for the immense impact it has on China’s economy and environment. It has been a key part of China’s history and development, and without it, many cities and industries would not thrive as they do today.

Sample Answer 1: Well, when it comes to an important river or lake in my country, the first one that comes to mind is the Yangtze River. It is one of the most important rivers in the world, and is also the longest river in China, the third-longest in the world. The river is over 6000 km long and it flows through a lot of provinces in China, so it is quite difficult to say where exactly it is located. And it is so important that Chinese people even regard it as our "Mother River". It is actually quite hard to describe its appearance because once you see it, you might feel that there is nothing special about this river. And that was actually my first impression as well. But once I saw the Three Gorges Dam in Yichang city, my opinion about this river was converted. I still remember the first time that I intentionally go on a trip just for the Yangtze River was right after I graduated from high school. In that summer holiday, I got nothing else better to do, so I thought I might as well just go on a trip, but not somewhere far away, just within the province, after discussing the destination with some of my friends, I finally made up my mind to simply go along with the Yangtze River and see where it could take me to. The trip was kind boring in the beginning, but when we arrived at the dam, I was shocked by that immense construction, I felt that I was so small comparing with it. What's more, the influence it has was totally a gamechanger. Can you believe it, a single dam like this can help China to save up to 10 billion yuan per year. And this is just one dam on the Yangtze River we are talking about, can you imagine the total amount of money we can save if we add up all the other dams all together? Not to mention the economic benefits they bring. So after all, the advantages the Yangtze River bring to my country is far beyond important. 

Sample Answer 2 : If we are talking about an important river in my country, it has got to be theYangtze River. To tell the truth, 3 years ago I moved to the city Chongqing, which is known as the Mountain City of China where stunning overlook of the confluence of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River can be seen around the shore. So I heard a lot about how thankful the local citizens are towards the rivers and what kind of benefit has the Yangtze River brought to this magnificent city. The Yangtze River, which are usually called Chang Jiang as its Chinese name, is the longest river in both China and Asia and the third longest river in the world, with a length of roughly 3000 miles. The upper course of the Yangtze flows across the Plateau of Tibet and descends through deep valleys in the mountains east of the plateau, emerging on the border of the Tibet Autonomous Region, then the river flows generally easterly through a shallow, spacious valley, and reached the bottom of Sichuan basin, which is Chinese great granary and contains nearly one-third of the national population. I've heard about the saying from some local elderlies about how a river could nurture and thrive people from ashore. The Yangtze River is the best example, several decades ago, it used to carry the majority burden of the water transportation in the southwest part of China, while for now the river offers the city a wonderful chance to show its stunning night view with the help of magically designed lights and skyscrapers. It's that kind of place. Steady, not flashy. Pretty, not perfect, yet with all the hustle and bustle so ordinary people like you and me would fall in love with it almost in the first sight. The Yangtze quietly does the work that keeps the rest of the Chinese River system functioning as nature intended.


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