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Art classes, like painting and drawing, are as important as other subjects, so they should be made compulsory in high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





这是一道观点类大作文,聊的是艺术课是否应该必修。话题很常见,即讨论不同科目对学生影响,但是审题时需要注意三点。一是题目中第一句话也是观点句而非背景句,需要进行讨论。二是题目中包含因果关系,即“因为美术课和其他一样重要,所以应该高中必修”,需要对“因”、“果”及其中的逻辑是否合理进行论证。三是题目中限定讨论范围是“high school”,也就是高中阶段。下面,我们来一起看下具体观点。


1. 将艺术课纳入必修科目,有助于促进学生的创造性思维与发散性思考。这种创造力不仅适用于艺术领域,还能转化至数学解题、科学实验和语言写作中,从而提高整体学习能力与创新潜质。

2. 必修的艺术课程能帮助学生在青春期形成更成熟的审美标准和人文修养。透过艺术作品的欣赏与创作,学生不仅能够理解不同文化背景下的艺术风格以及作品背后的社会、历史与哲学内涵。这种潜移默化的艺术熏陶使学生不再局限于单一学科的知识储备,而是能够以更开阔的视野看待世界和人生。


1. 强制要求所有学生修读艺术课,可能导致学科压力进一步提升。一些对绘画、素描并无兴趣或天赋的学生,会将此视为额外负担,从而产生抵触情绪,甚至对艺术产生厌恶感。

2. 强制将艺术课纳入必修,可能意味着减少其他领域课程的时间安排。对于那些在学术科目上表现出众、需要更多学术辅导的学生而言,这样的调配可能浪费宝贵的教学时间,影响他们在理科、语言或社会科学等传统学术科目上的精进。

3. 艺术教学需要有经验的艺术教师、专业的工具以及相应的课程开发。强制开设会给经费本不充裕的教育体系带来新的挑战,尤其在一些偏远或资源匮乏的地区,校方可能无法保证高质量的艺术教学,从而导致实际的教学品质参差不齐。


The inclusion of art-related subjects in a secondary school curriculum has long been considered a means of fostering creativity and aesthetic appreciation in young learners. In line with this perspective, some argue that art classes, such as painting and drawing, deserve equal status with core subjects and thus should be mandated in high school education. However, I firmly disagree with the proposition that making art instruction compulsory is a beneficial approach.

One compelling reason for opposing this policy is that enforcing art lessons as a mandatory component may detract from more academically rigorous pursuits. When students are required to allocate significant time and effort to artistic activities, they inevitably have fewer hours available for subjects like mathematics, science, and language studies, which can be critical for their future career paths. This trade-off could limit students’ opportunities to gain mastery in these foundational areas. For instance, a student aspiring to pursue engineering would be better served dedicating additional time to advanced mathematics rather than spending equal hours refining painting techniques. In short, making art classes compulsory may inadvertently hinder students’ academic growth in essential domains.

In addition, mandating art education risks imposing an unnecessary burden on school resources and teaching staff. High-quality art instruction requires specialized materials, well-equipped studios, and instructors trained in various mediums, all of which translate into considerable financial expenditures. This investment may strain school budgets and divert funds from other critical areas of educational development. More importantly, compelling every student to participate may demotivate those who lack interest or aptitude in art, leading to reduced engagement and potentially lowering the overall classroom atmosphere. In sum, obliging all students to attend art lessons can undermine both resource allocation and student motivation.

Admittedly, it is undeniable that exposure to artistic disciplines contributes to the development of creativity, cultural literacy, and personal expression. However, these benefits can still be achieved through elective art courses, extracurricular clubs, or optional workshops rather than making them compulsory. In this way, the positive aspects of art education remain accessible without compromising educational priorities or straining limited resources.

In conclusion, while art can play a meaningful role in enhancing students’ personal growth, it should not be mandated at the expense of other critical subjects and resource allocation. Overall, allowing art to remain optional strikes the most balanced and beneficial approach for both students and educational institutions.


上一条:【托福】学术写作:有关升职标准 下一条:【雅思】口语:重要的河流/湖泊