
点击次数:319 更新时间:2024年12月02日11:03:59 打印此页 关闭


Your professor is teaching a class. Write a post responding to the professor's question. in yourresponse, you should do the following:
Express and support your opinion.
Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Doctor Achebe:More and more, online shopping is becoming the primary way that many people obtain everydaygoods. But what are the ramifications for the society in which we live? On the one hand. onlineshopping has advantages-for example, l can make a purchase without ever leaving my home.However, with fewer people shopping at local shops, in some places, these establishments arehaving a hard time competing. Do you think that online shopping is, on the whole, affectingsociety?

AndrewI think that online shopping has had negative impacts on society. in my city, many local storeshave shelves filled with various products that you can find in online stores. This has forced someof them to close down, which not only affects the amount of tax revenue generated in our locacommunity but also impacts the number of job opportunities available to the communitymembers.

Claire:It's unfortunate that some local stores are forced to close down but that's the nature ofcompetition. As consumers, we benefit greatly from online shopping due to lower prices. Even if lfind a physical store that can compete with online sellers in terms of pricing, l am still likely tomake the purchase online because it means l don't have to spend money on transportation tothe store.


Indeed online shopping affects the society in a good way and brings more convenience forcitizens in the city or even in the rural areas. No matter where they live, they have more choicesonline to purchase anything by delivering to their home, which is really convenient for people'slife. They have no much free time to pick up goods in different stores especially they haveemergence in use of products. Also, online shopping can provide people with cheaper price topurchase products, however, stores have more costs including rent fee and employees' incomeand etc, The store can combine with internet to aavertise their products or brands, and it isbetter for the store to sell products in the same price with the price on the internet. This way canincrease the competence of stores and the stores have the unique advantage that customers cansee, touch and even try on the products to make the right decision.


上一条:【托福】12.8学术讨论写作:学校资金应该怎么分配? 下一条:【雅思】口语part 3高分示范:未实现的理想抱负